Thursday, October 28, 2010

About Me

My name is Paul Anthony. I'm currently 24 years of age. I reside within the beautiful Northern California (bay area) I've always had a bad history of understanding women until recently...

My "game" began in 2005; One year after I graduated from highschool. I was always known as the class clown. The kid that wouldnt shut up during class. That same obnoxious kid that went to school knowing he would be sent to the principles office various times of the day.

I played a bunch of sports for the highschool. I was 5'5 and weighed in at 170lbs. Yea...I was a chubby one. In highschool I struggled with the opposite sex. I never had a girlfriend in high school because I lacked self confidence. I was too scared to approach the women I was attracted too. I hung out with every variety of students; From skateboarders to jocks and I always seemed to fit in. Most of my girl friends were known throughout the school. I guess you can say I kicked it with the pretty ones. Most people would imagine that I had game, but in reality....I had none. I had my first "girlfriend" when I was 18 years old. Yea thats right...I was pretty much a late bloomer. But who would imagine that I'd evolve into an attraction of the opposite sex...

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